A wind blows, tries to bowl me over
Billowing over me, around me, surrounds me.
A scorching east wind sent towards us to strip us and torch us.
It’s a swirling storm of lists to do whose doing I missed
That never quits.
Pressures, not pleasures, that distress me,
because success is so hard to measure,
Stealing away life’s true treasures.
Like a smile on my daughter’s face, my mate’s embrace,
And time in the quiet place
Have all been replaced by what I’ve made first place.
It’s such a sad state and a waste to always have a full-plate and yet be left with an empty taste.

I’ve been chasing after the wind
And what I’ve sown has made me so winded that
I’ve reaped the whirlwind
Whirled and warped by the world – its words of wisdom
And ways of warranting worth
Are worlds away from the truth and not the last word
Because THE Word, breathed by the Spirit
Whispers to me and bathes me in a breath of life
Calling me to a life-style.
A pleasant pleasurable stroll that restores the soul
from a rat race with a relentless pace
I’m phat with all that peace, and now walk, slower, more whole.

There’s something like a rushing wind, a mighty sound from heaven,
Waves gushing over me.
I catch my breath as the Ruach that abounds and bounds over every barrier
Comes to carry my weary soul.
It doesn’t spin me or spend me but descends on me
like Elijah’s whirlwind.
It turns and sends me closer, returned to Sender.
And I catch this wave of God’s glory instead of the same old same old
Story of wind at my back, working me over, and over-working to the point of heart attack,
chasing after dreams with a false sheen that are deemed elusive
and never ever what they seem.
Carry and lift me, whirlwind of God.
Fill my sails and take me above all that assails me, these sad pursuits that always seem to fail me
Are now so far below me cause this God-wind just blows me away,
chasing all that was insignificant, elusive, and actually abusive,
Erasing the gaping hole that existed between my existence and God’s intended goals.
And it’s in this holy whirlwind that I am carefully carried by this caring Creator
Who fully pursues me, renews me and infuses new life in me.

(Gen. 41:27; Eccl. 2:11; Nah. 1:3; Hos. 8:7; 2 Ki. 3:11; Acts 2:1-2)

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