Tag Line
It's a global student movement
A powerful enduement
We're speaking to the nations with a message that is proven
A cause that's meant to move ya
'Cause God is speaking through ya
Either sending us into the world or bringing the world to ya

Our generation
We're so mobile
From Mobile to Guyaquil to Grenoble
We're over being selfish loners or home owners
Blindly ogling more bling and just staying put,
Prone to put down roots
rooting for the home team’s touchdown,
But down in our hearts we're not touched by much stuff anymore
Just down on everything and everyone who don't happen to be hometown.

We can't be patting ourselves on the back
if we keep putting on the back burner
the urgent need of the world
while we only think of how to splurge

like bigger and better bread earners and spurn
the fact that we were called to act and not just stand pat

Stuck in tit for tat
Never straying far from where our friends are at
What I'm saying is that
like stray cats
We're pilgrims made to roam and move and be going places that may lack a welcome mat
That's in fact where some of us need to be at

The call doesn't encompass poor cop outs
Where we  camp out on our campus quad outcrop
planning how we're gonna pass the weekend
or pass our next exam. Us?
God wants to amp us up to lend a hand,
our good works like a light set out on a stand. Understand
that our vision should be more than a canned rehashing
of the same old stagnant plans of man
that can't fulfill us like planting a church in Afghanistan can
Cause if it's all just about going through the motions
to get a paycheck, then hey you better check
your motives, man.

Are we capable of being deeply moved in our emotions
by owning up to the notion
that our future just might include people who live across the ocean?
OK, then let's shun the self-promotion
Cause It's not about me -o man
That's what's all the commotion
Is about. It's  way bigger than that. See

It's global.
As God's spirit blows across the globe,
It'll so both mess you up  and muster new hope
So don't have have the gall
To go and blow off this urge to go
your ego making you go and lowball
the Heavenly Father's higher call Acting like a know-it-all when all I know is
the cry of the lost bellows to us who are all here below to give our all so all can know the all-knowing One

Sure His plan has been moving slowly  but surely
but it doesn't mean I get all surly
Cause God doesn't owe me an apology or explanation
for why the nations are in the state the'yre in -
but surely Goodness and Mercy
are gonna follow us if we set out to be all about
winning for Him this entire world that's been spinning
since he first spun it in the beginning.
He's all about sending us out to be spending
ourselves for what he's planned as an incredible ending

A bonus to a life with a greater purpose he has shown us
So we own up that even though we're mature grown ups here
he's the true owner of us
and of all we dream and do
The onus is on us y'all, it's true

Only cast a glance at the planet
and if you can imagine the plan every woman and man it has on it
That's the tonic. And it's ironic how our narcissism is so chronic
that we care more how look through the lens of a Nikon
than through the eyes of God
emulating shallow pop icons
Our worship of self is at its root demonic
The Internet, we're always on it
Though we've sworn off it
We're like a dog returning to its vomit
hoping someone will like us on Facebook
Look, face up to it, we always show our best face
Unable to face up to our true selves
I can con you but it's unconscionable to conceive that you can
Even contemplate conning the incomparable Creator. Come on, man!

Take a minute to envision this: we need to have a strong sense of conviction
about the immense future he has for us without limit
which has to include the winning of lost souls in it
And it's infinitely better than we could ever imagine
or can have planned it. And it
is a plan
that's always managed to fashion from among mankind
ample examples of passionate
Christ followers fulfilling God's long-standing
goal that his people refined like gold
wouldn't gloat or self-promote nor admire how much we glitter
but liter-ally
be living letters for all to read with clearer understanding

Creation is groaning for our revealing
While the chic and powerful of this age ignore us
The long-gone cloud of witnesses gone before us implore us
To gain the prize, not being wise in our own eyes
but with a gaze galvanized on Christ
And not on the throw-away plans of a life
where we strive to be liked
Right, like don’t settle for more what’s like discipleship light

This up and coming generation.
It's time to get pumped up about what's coming up.
It should  give us holy goosebumps to know we are not just lumped
together with umpteen generations of students and teens
but we're unparalleled and unique!
God's end times go-to group. This genre of WhatsApp and GoPro gals and gents
bent on capturing  life on the go
Pro-moting the Savior
And acknowledging the call to go to all who don't know
That's something we have to do.
It's too urgent not to, bro.

God will give us the know-how
to make him known as we live sold out and solely for His renown.
That's what's going down.
So no, man, do I plan on napping when God is mappingout so many amazing things that are about to be happening.  Now.
