Every Tuesday, Dalene and I have the privilege of teaching nine interns and short term missions workers. It is one of the highlights of my week, as I love to pour into young men and women who are hungry to learn and to pursue their call to missions and ministry. Since we are leaving soon for the US to itinerate, I had my last session with them this morning. I shared with them the top 20 things I have learned in the past 26 years of full-time ministry that I want them to know. I thought I would share them below. They are in no particular order:

1) There is never any regret for hard work

2) As my Father-in-law always taught, "preparation precedes blessing".

3) Faith is a lifestyle we embrace, not an event we endure.

4) Share power - don't hoard it. It's what Jesus modeled with the 12 and the 70 he sent out.

5) Don't copy others' style or methods - you were designed to create! 

6) Be vulnerable to your followers and listeners. It actually engenders respect and it combats a religious spirit.

7) Work at keeping your heart soft. "Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart".

8) Ministry's greatest skill to acquire is forgiveness and its most important quality is humility.

9) Never stop reading and never stop learning. Keep a spirit that is teachable and passionate to grow.

10) Become secure in your unique gifts and talents. Know and admit your weaknesses. Comparison and competition are the enemies of joy and effectiveness.

11) There is nothing more fulfilling or secure than the assurance that where you are and what you are doing are in the center of God' will for your life.

12) Your payoff is God's pleasure - not a paycheck.

13) An irreplaceable gift in life is a lifetime partner who is called and fully invested in going the same direction, with the same values and pursuing the same goals.

14) Social intelligence is more valuable than IQ in ministry.

15) Ministry leadership is all about towels and not about titles.

16) People always take priority over applause, awards, achievements and accolades.

17) There is nothing worth trading for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and it is worth whatever the cost.

18) All success starts with an appointment with God you keep every day.

19) Your spirit never stops its capacity to gain strength even when your mind and body fail. Be careful to feed it.

20) Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the only one who never fails.
